Software usability - its the small things
Todays tweet:
Oh joy! Windows7 complains that it can't start programs because srvcli.dll is missing after I installed VS.NET 2010 #in
I decided to do a little follow up on that. First of all why did the OS let itself be broken by an application (forget the fact that its from the same vendor!)
Second I happen to be in the software business so I understand what to do with this information, but seriously if my refrigerator told me "winvlv is broken" I would never ever by the same brand. Computer software in large part still seems like it's written by computer enthusiasts for computer enthusiasts.
My Windows 8 idea: in case one the core SYSTEM32 DLLs can't load - immediately offer to repair it. Better yet, repair it during the idle time. Preferably all of this happens without me knowing or caring so it doesn't impact my day in any negative way. It could have been going very well until this pesky error message popped up.
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