New Year Resolutions 2012
Before I get into the New Year resolutions for 2012 let’s recap how I have done with my 2011 resolutions. Thankfully they are easily found on my blog:
How did I do? I had just five things on my list: dribbling better in soccer, dropping my body fat percentage below 10%, taking jiu-jitsu classes, take meditation classes and go on a Zen retreat.
I actually did pretty well. I have been consistently going to meditate at the San Francisco Zen Center and even went on a retreat to Green Gulch farm. The jiu-jitsu ended up getting punted on. Body fat percentage is stuck stubbornly at around 12% and won’t go below 10%. Soccer got taken off the list because I just can’t find a good soccer league close to my house. Instead I picked up tennis, I think it’s a fair trade.
Now on to my 2012 list:
- Consistently take Yoga and work on the flexibility of my body
- Figure out a good travel diet so that my time on the road doesn’t kill my stomach
- Use Ruby on Rails in at least one project
- Write blog posts every two weeks
- Try Jiu-Jitsu (2011 resolution carried over)
- Take Tennis classes
Let’s see how it goes! Wish me luck!
Labels: new year, resolution
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